
sku: CK-GR/BFG カテゴリー , Tag

着物 花模様 グリーン クラッチバッグ


Toanoi Kimono Clutch Bag, a fusion of tradition and contemporary design. Painstakingly created from luxurious Obi fabric sourced from Japan, it pays homage to the timeless allure of Japanese Kimonos. Each bag is a work of art, boasting a one of a kind pattern that sets it apart. With its carefully designed pockets and surprising interior space, this accessory effortlessly combines beauty with functionality.

幅: 約 28cm / 11.5″
高さ: 約 16cm / 7″ (閉じているとき)
高さ: 約 30cm / 12″ (開いたとき)


